Carrand Gripper™ Microfiber Applicators 2 Pack

Brand: Carrand


Carrand Gripper™ Microfiber Applicators 2 Pack  make it easy to apply car care products without getting your hands soiled. Hold onto the Gripper handle and apply thin, neat coats of any product. The Gripper handles are reusable with your own microfiber pads!

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Carrand Gripper™ Microfiber Applicators give you all the convenience and surface-friendly performance of ordinary microfiber applicators, but they have something unique: a plastic handle! Keep your hands clean while applying interior and exterior dressings, protectants, waxes, polishes, and more.

The Gripper™ handle is removable and reusable. Use it on any microfiber applicator. It features tiny hooks that grab the microfiber fabric and hold on tight. When you’re ready to wash your microfiber pads, simply remove the handle and toss the pads in the washing machine with the rest of your microfiber.

This pack includes two 5 inch microfiber applicators and one Gripper™ handle.

Apply car care products to your car, not your hands, with the Carrand Gripper™ Microfiber Applicators 2 Pack.

2 microfiber pads
1 Gripper™ handle


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